Spiritual Direction
What Is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is a simple and subtle one on one conversation, about spirituality in our lives. We can examine all the usual and unusual places spirituality can touch our lives, in dreams, meditation, moments of quiet, and in poetry and prayer. Sessions can be in person or through “Zoom”., and can be as frequent as you wish.
We often overuse reason, prediction and judgement, this inhibits delight, flow, and love. Spiritual Direction invites us to see bigger pictures of our lives that include both our limitations and our dearest dreams.
What Do Spiritual Directors Do?
We try to remind ourselves and each other, that a deeper awareness matters. It matters in what we feel and what we think. A spiritual director can offer support for a deeper awareness of Spirit, however you imagine it. Often we are afraid to see a bigger picture because it may not fit our momentary interest. Spiritual direction, helps us keep our deeper awareness, our values and our dreams, accessible. In one hour sessions, we explore how we notice life, spiritual and secular. Instead of acting habitually, spiritual direction can offer a new way of living a precious human life.
One-To-One Sessions
Wayne is available for in person or Zoom 45 minute sessions of individual Spiritual Direction, by appointment. Cost is on a sliding scale, between $50-$100. Most people try Spiritual Direction once or twice a month for several months, to see how it works for them.
Contact Wayne For A Session
Please contact me by email, revwayne@live.ca
If you would like to speak with me you can call me at 416-543-5910.